Fares & Passes

Children Grade 8 and under now ride Transit for FREE

Starting on September 1, Saskatoon Transit launched a new program to offer free fares for children in Grade 8 and under without needing to scan a fare pass or show other documentation (such as an I.D.). Learn more

Purchase fares on your mobile device!

Using either the TGo or transit app you can purchase fares on your mobile device. Learn more

GoPass card

Your GoPass card is reusable. Bring your GoPass to any of our Transit Pass Vendors and purchase more pre-paid ride packages, a calendar month or year of service. The GoPass is smart and flexible—the versatile card for whatever fare works best for you! Choose fare type below for more details.

There is a $5.00 activation fee for any new GoPass or replacement cards. ​

Register your GoPass at the Saskatoon Transit Customer Service Centre in the downtown transit terminal. One of the benefits of the GoPass Card is that it can be registered. If lost or stolen, the card can be deactivated and the value left on that card can be transferred to a new GoPass card.  An additional $5 activation fee will apply to all new and replacement re-loadable GoPass cards.

Registration of your GoPass is voluntary and must be done at the Saskatoon Transit Customer Service Centre in the downtown transit terminal. Any replacements transferred to a new card must also be done at the Customer Service Centre. 

Cash Fares

Please have exact cash fare ready to deposit into the fare box. Operators do not carry change. Pennies and paper money (bills) are not accepted on Saskatoon Transit.

Fare Type Cost
Child—Grade 8 and under Free
High School—Grades 9 to 12 (With valid high school identification) $2.75
Post-Secondary $3.00
Adult  $3.00
Senior $3.00

Farebox Notifications

Notification Type Farebox for physical passes and cash Farebox for mobile and online tickets/passes
Valid ticket/pass Green light – single beep  
Expired / no fare on pass Red light – 2 beeps  
Pass back (used twice in a row) Red light – 2 beeps  
Valid High School   Orange screen, reads, “High school”, single tone
All other fares valid   Green screen, reads “Valid”,  unique tone
All fares invalid   Red screen, reads “invalid” lower tone


Student Pass



Adult Pass


Senior Pass


Multi-Use Pass

Eco Pass

Get a monthly discount of at least 40% off the cost of a regular adult monthly pass if your employer is one of our partners in the Eco Pass Program.

Lean more

Where to buy tickets