Plan My Trip
Planning ahead makes taking Saskatoon Transit easier. With a variety of trip planning tools available, getting the information you need takes no time at all. When you type in your trip origin, destination, date and time of departure or desired arrival, the most direct bus routes, connections and timings will be automatically calculated for you. The trip planner allows you to see complete door-to-door trip details of your route including the walking distance to and from the bus stop.
Online Trip Planner
Mobile Apps
Using the Transit App, Saskatoon Transit's endorsed mobile app, or Google Transit on your desktop you can create customized route maps, in more than 80 languages, without having to sort through schedules or knowing the routes.
Phone & Go
Call 306-975-7500 to find out when the next bus arrives.
- Route 16 City Centre - 1 STOP MISSED - September 12 to until further notice January 6, 2025 - 7:04 pm
- Route 14 City Centre - 1 STOP MISSED - September 12 to until further notice January 6, 2025 - 7:04 pm