Saskatoon Transit altering routes to improve service

For immediate release: March 16, 2020 - 9:15 am

As Saskatoon Transit moves towards providing service that reflects the approved Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines (moving more routes onto Broadway Avenue) and to reduce congestion on the Senator Sid Buckwold Bridge during rehabilitation, changes are being made to three routes as of March 29, 2020. 

Affected routes:

  • Route 8 inbound and the 80‘s outbound will move off 8th Street/over Sid Buckwold Bridge onto Broadway Avenue.
  • Route 1 and 6 will move off of Broadway Avenue onto 8th Street/over Sid Buckwold Bridge.

These service changes will allow for more convenience and a quicker commute for east side residents traveling to and from the downtown. Saskatoon Transit encourages everyone to check their route in advance to see how this will impact their commute and to plan their trip using the real-time mobile app Transit.

To learn more on the new routing and schedules, visit:, or call the Transit Customer Service Centr: 306.975.3100.