Severe winter storm update November 12

For immediate release: November 12, 2020 - 12:45 pm

We’re coming to residential streets and the City will be today releasing a schedule of what residential streets will be plowed.  

Back lanes will also be prioritized along with the residential snow clearing 

It’s our objective to restore mobility to key streets in every neighbourhood, city wide - get everyone moving around again. 
This amount of snowfall has presented an incredible challenge - we are doing everything we can to get Saskatoon back to a daily routine. 
The plan is to put as many resources as possible in as many neighbourhoods as possible all at the same time across the City.  This work will be done night and day, in all neighbourhoods. 

The focus will be on beginning with the streets worst affected and clearing residential streets in all neighborhoods in a sequence where the streets carrying the most traffic, or are strategically located, are addressed first. 

We want you to know we’ve heard your calls and we’re throwing everything we’ve got at this to help you and your family get where you need to go, safely. 
Every minute of every day there has been equipment working on Saskatoon’s streets.   

  • All priority streets were made passable -- about 1800 km of lanes -- by punching through with a grader or a plow and not doing a full clean-up of the street. 
  • Crews returned to priority streets to do a proper grading to ensure all lanes are available for traffic. This has been completed on about 90% of the P1s, 20% of P2s and 10% of P3s.  
  • 100% of residential streets in Kensington have been cleared and 50% of residential streets in Stonebridge 
  • 50% of our total of 150 km of priority sidewalks have been cleared 
  • Transit is moving again on a modified schedule by opening the downtown bus terminal and clearing key routes for buses to travel on 

When the plows arrive, residents are not required to move their vehicle, but if able, crews will appreciate more space to complete the work and the ability to clear streets more fullySo, if you can move your vehicle -- please do -- if not, we’ll plow around it.  
There may be piles of snow left by the graders (windrows); we’ll come back afterwards to clear these out. 

We have also revamped our webpages to make it easier to: 

  • Find information about the Residential Snow Clearing Schedule 
  • Access links to our news releases which provide valuable information on our progress and other service updates 
  • View news conferences on our YouTube Channel  
  • And find general information on our Priority Road system.   

And as another reminder, please do not push snow out onto the street when clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways, as this can clog up streets with even more snow and continue to create accessibility issues. 

We will be continuously working on updating and adding information on this webpage as it becomes available.  Again, the residents can visit