OnDemand Transit
OnDemand Transit (ODT) is a public transit service in which customers can book their trip dynamically in real time using the "Saskatoon Transit OnDemand" app, online (below) or by calling customer service (306.975.3100) from 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
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Download the OnDemand app: |
Saskatoon Transit provides a “stop-to-hub” model dedicated to two neighbourhoods: Aspen Ridge and North Kensington.
This model relies on connections to and from transit hubs in which riders can integrate their ODT trip with a fixed route. This trip integration is available in the Transit app where customers can see a complete trip plan, including fixed routes and available ODT service.
ODT service is available Monday - Friday from 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Regular transit fares apply ($3.00 per trip). Fare can be purchased on your mobile phone using either the TGo or transit app, transfers and passes are also accepted.
Service hours
Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 a.m. is the earliest pickup and 6:00 p.m. is the latest pick-up.
Service Area
The ODT service operates from designated stops in Brighton, Rosewood, North Kensington and Blairmore to the nearest transit hub. The designated ODT stops and hubs include:
Neighbourhood #1 | Stop Location |
Aspen Ridge |
5528 Kalra Street / Forsey Avenue |
5529 Kalra Street / Whitehead Avenue | |
5581 Kalra Street / Shevchenko Avenue | |
5776 Feheregyhazi Boulevard / Woolf Bend | |
5981 Feheregyhazi Boulevard / Whitehead Avenue | |
5778 Feheregyhazi Boulevard / Forsey Avenue | |
5527 Feheregyhazi Boulevard / Bolstad Link | |
5523 Feheregyhazi Boulevard / Fast Crescent | |
5777 Orban Way / Fedoruk Drive | |
Transit Hubs | Stop Location |
Nelson Road / Lowe Road Hub |
5868 Nelson Road / Lowe Road |
5869 Centennial Collegiate | |
5873 St. Joseph High School | |
5962 Ludlow Street / Heath Avenue | |
Neighbourhood #2 | Stop Location |
North Kensington | 5958 33rd Street/Elk Point Road |
Transit Hubs | Stop Location |
Confederation Mall Terminal Hub |
5912 Confederation Terminal |
4174 Superstore | |
- Riders cannot travel between hubs using ODT as there are fixed transit routes to provide that service.
- Saskatoon Transit OnDemand allows for trips from designated stops in the service areas to the nearest hub.
- Designated stop to designated stop within the same area is allowed and hub to designated stop is as well.
- Riders cannot travel directly on ODT from one service area to another.
- Riders are required to transfer to regularly scheduled fixed routes at transit hubs to travel to areas not included in the service areas.
Example trip - Brighton to downtown
- Book and ODT trip from the closest designated bus stop in Brighton to the nearest transit hub: Nelson / Lowe, Place Riel, Preston Crossing or Centre Mall.
- From the three hubs listed, take route 4 downtown, from Centre Mall take route 8 downtown.
Bike racks are available on the front of all buses, they have the capacity for two bikes each. the filter option can be used during trip booking to add a bike.
Service animal / pet
- Service animals are welcome and should be wearing their designated harness or vest.
- Pets (non-service animals) must be in a kennel to travel on Saskatoon Tranist.
Downloading the app
- The "Saskatoon Transit OnDemand" app is available from Google Play for Android users and the Apple Store for iOS users.
- It is free to download. Once the app has been downloaded, it will request the rider's mobile number to activate an account.
- A verification code will be sent to the rider's phone number to confirm the account.
Using the “filter” function, you can add either a wheelchair or a bike to your ride options.
Favourite locations
Riders can set favourite locations in their user profile.
Trip Planning
Integrated trip planning can be done in the Transit app, integrating both ODT and fixed routes.
If OnDemand is an option near you, it will appear on the home screen with a “Request ride” button.
OnDemand is also available in Transit’s trip planner, so you’ll start seeing both A to B and multimodal trips right away.
View the Trip Planner Multimodal screen
Tap "Where to?" on the home screen and Transit will find you a route. If OnDemand is available as part of your trip, it'll appear in the app!
Just tap the "Request OnDemand" button and you'll be connected to the Saskatoon Transit OnDemand app, where you can request your ride.
Booking a ride
- Riders can book a ride using the "Saskatoon Transit OnDemand app", by calling call 306.975.3100 (7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.) or here.
- Requests are booked on a first come first served basis.
- The system is continuously looking at ways to optimize and will move requests between the scheduled duties to improve efficiency and allow additional requests to be added.
- Requests can be made up to two weeks in advance or for as soon as possible. ASAP requests are based on availability and riders will be shown the closest time to their request if there is availability.
- A verification SMS is sent when the ride is accepted and 1 hour before scheduled pickup.
- There are three options when booking a trip, “arrive by,” "leave at" and “leave now” (ASAP may vary). Riders may choose the most appropriate for their travel.
Recurring bookings
Riders cannot have a standing pickup time. Each trip needs to be booked separately.
Booking for someone else
Riders may book a trip for multiple people if they are travelling together. If they are travelling independently, they must create an account to ride.
Changing pickup location or destination
Once the booking is made it cannot be changed via the app but can be made by calling Transit Customer Service (306.975.3100) or you can cancel and book a new trip.
Cancelling a Trip
- If your trip plan changes after booking a trip, please cancel prior to the arrival time.
- The “Cancel a Trip” option is available on the Saskatoon Transit OnDemand app. Riders can also call Transit Customer Service to cancel a trip (306.975.3100).
- Vehicle arriving at pick up location - vehicle will be visible in the app at this time
- Ride request cancelled
- Rise request accepted
- Scheduled pickup in around an hour (accepted requests only)
If you aren't able to use the app or dial in, you can also board the bus and simply tell the driver which stop you would like to visit–must be within the service area.
Booking time changed, and trip cancelled
- If a booking is made using “arrive by” the pick-up time may change to accommodate additional riders. The time selected to “arrive by” will be maintained.
- Be prepared for pick-up at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time. The pickup window can change so it's recommended to keep an eye on the app for updates.
No trip available notification
- Several factors could impact the availability of a trip. First, confirm the booking is during operating hours. If it is, the vehicle may be busy or temporarily offline. Try booking again in a few minutes or call Saskatoon Transit Customer Service at 360-975-3100
Stop to hub means riders can travel from designated stops to the nearest transit hub thereby encouraging riders to use ODT to connect with the larger fixed route system. The hub can either be a destination or a connection point with fixed route service.
If you have questions about OnDemand Transit, give Transit Customer Service a call at 306-975-3100 or email transit.services@saskatoon.ca.